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News for England North – 4 February 2024

| February 2, 2024

Barnsley and District Amateur Radio Club has a meeting and social evening from 7pm every Tuesday. David, G4TMZ, Bishop

News for Northern Ireland – 4 February 2024

| February 2, 2024

Bangor and District Amateur Radio Society meets on the second Tuesday of the month in the Marquis Hall, Abbey Street,

News for Scotland – 4 February 2024

| February 2, 2024

On Thursday, members of Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society will be having a CW practice session from 7pm. For more information

News for England South-East – 4 February 2024

| February 2, 2024

On Wednesday, Bishop’s Stortford Amateur Radio Society has its net from 8pm on 145.5625MHz. All are welcome to join in.

News for England South-West – 4 February 2024

| February 2, 2024

On Sundays, Appledore and District Amateur Radio Club has a net on 1.860MHz from 9.30am, followed by an SSB net

News for Wales – 4 February 2024

| February 2, 2024

The next meeting of Aberdare and District Amateur Radio Society will be held on Friday 16 February at Hirwaun YMCA

Exam prices to change

| February 1, 2024

The RSGB is being affected by higher-than-inflation increases across the exam processes. The Society is not passing this total increase

RSGB elections – nominations now closed

| February 1, 2024

Nominations for the one Board Director and eight Regional Team posts closed at 23.59 on 31 January 2024 Our sincere

February 2024 – Strategic priorities update

February 2024 – Strategic priorities update

| January 26, 2024

Many of you will be aware that the RSGB has adopted four strategic priorities: Growth of amateur radio; membership of

RSGB elections – final call for nominations

| January 26, 2024

The deadline for nominations in the RSGB elections is Wednesday, 31 January 2024. If you would like to stand for