Schools Link Project

First live ATV downlink from the ISS at Brightstowe Academy, Bristol

HamTV downlink from the ISS at Brightstowe Academy, Bristol

What is it?

The Schools Link Project aims at developing classroom activities and resources in collaboration with teachers, which integrate amateur radio themes into their everyday teaching of the UK’s national curricula, including STEM.

Who is involved?

The Training and Education Committee (TEC) is leading this project and will be working initially with the schools chosen for the amateur radio contacts with Tim Peake.

Those schools have already seen how amateur radio can engage their pupils, not only at the live contact itself but through the “Buildathons” that we’ve organised at each school prior to the actual day.

Can I get involved?

The project will produce “tried and tested” classroom activities working with the 10 schools in the ARISS Principia mission, which will then be offered to other schools.

However, if you have experience in education and would like to offer ideas for activities or schools to be contacted in the future, please get in touch with the Training & Education Committee via