RadCom Basics

RadCom Basics is a bi-monthly digital publication that explores key aspects of amateur radio in a straightforward and accessible way

Home construction methods: Part 1

Great tips and advice on how to approach kit building and tips on how to master soldering

In this edition…

  • 4 An off-centre fed vertical for the 10m band
    How to use a 9:1 UNUN for making a mono-band vertical for the 10m band, as an off-centre fed antenna
  • 10 Making an end-fed halfwave antenna for the 20 and 15m bands
    How to design and easily build an end-fed half-wave antenna for portable use on the 20 and 15m bands
  • 16 Home construction methods: Part 1
    Are you new to amateur radio and would like to build something to add to your station? This first part of this series provides some great tips and advice on how to approach kit building and tips on how to master soldering
    28 Amateur radio and getting fit
    The beneficial impact of combining amateur radio and getting some fresh air! In a bid to defeat a sedentary lifestyle, how a shack potato can have some joy using a simple setup on a hilltop on the 2m band, whilst striving to shed some pounds!
  • 34 Up and outer antenna
    A look at this often-forgotten antenna design. Examining the theory behind the design itself and its possible use for the higher HF bands
  • 40 Index of RadCom Basics articles, editions 1 to 42
    Provides you with an up-to-date reference to all RadCom Basics articles



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We welcome your feedback

If you liked RadCom Basics, please email Tim, G5TM at radcombasics@rsgb.org.uk and let him know what you enjoyed and helped you the most. He very much looks forward to reading your comments.


Back issues

The archive of historical back issues from June 2015 to March 2022 are being converted to a new viewing platform for an improved user experience and will be available again here shortly.

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