Coding and amateur radio

National Coding Week 2024 ran from 16-22 September. The RSGB dedicated the whole of September to amateur radio and coding/programming activities.

We want to encourage youngsters into amateur radio and to inspire current radio amateurs to try something new! 

We’ve got some great coding/programming activities you could try yourself, with your club or with a young family member. If you’re already linked into a local school or community group you could offer to lead an activity there. Anytime is a good time to learn more and share your knowledge and enthusiasm with others!

Click or tap on the activity titles to find everything you need to know to be able to run the activity or try it yourself.

New activities for 2024

The RSGB Outreach Team has created two new activities for you to try this year…

How to create a working LoRa Tracker board using code

Raspberry Pico coding


Activities using micro:bits

Morse texting

Radio control

Networking with the BBC micro:bit


Activities using other programming software

Morse game

Digital VFO

Node RED

GNU radio

John Hislop, G7OHO:

“I’m excited about the new Raspberry Pi Pico 2 and am keen to trial a new coding activity, available above, with the STEAMettes. They are familiar with the BBC Micro:bit so it will be interesting to see how they cope with the Pico. Block coding is possible with the Pico but I intend to challenge them with Arduino coding to make LEDs flash and to make traffic lights.”

RSGB General Manager Steve Thomas, M1ACB:

“Having enjoyed a very varied career in IT before I became RSGB General Manager, I see numerous benefits and links with many technologies that come from an understanding of logic and coding. National Coding Week helps provide insight, inspiration and opportunities for everyone. I hope you enjoy taking part!”

Feeling inspired?

You can read all about last year’s activities in November 2023’s RadCom.
