Board and Regional Team elections 2022

The Society is pleased to announce the results of the 2022 Election Round as follows

Region Duly elected candidate
1 Anthony Peter Miles MM0TMZ*
2 James Campbell MM7BIW
3 Derek Hughes G7LFC
4 Ian Bowman G7ESY
5 Neil Yorke M0NKE
8 Dave Parkinson 2I0SJV
9 Ron White G6LTT
10 Keith Bird G4JED*

For each Region only one candidate was duly nominated and so there will be no vote and each candidate is duly elected unopposed.

Their three-year terms will start at the 2022 AGM and will last for three years.

Under the Society’s Articles Regional Representatives are only able to serve two consecutive terms—the * denotes candidates starting their second terms.

Board Vacancy 1 Anthony Peter Miles MM0TMZ
Board Vacancy 2 No candidate

As only one candidate was duly nominated, the number of candidates is less than the number of vacancies.

So, there can be no vote and MM0TMZ is duly elected.

If it wishes, the Board is free to co-opt to fill the remaining vacancy until the 2023 AGM and it will be included in the vacancies for the 2023 round.

The two Nominated Directors who will be presented for endorsement are Jonathan Groves, M0VRI and Richard Horton, G4AOJ.

Both have been co-opted to the Board recently until the 2022 AGM.

A fuller report will be made in the April 2022 RadCom.

Stephen Purser, GW4SHF
Elections Officer