Exam prices to change

| February 1, 2024

The RSGB is being affected by higher-than-inflation increases across the exam processes. The Society is not passing this total increase onto candidates, but the RSGB Board has reviewed the amateur radio licence exam fees and has decided that there needs to be an increase from 1 May 2024.

Foundation, Intermediate and Full exams will rise by £3 but the Direct to Full exam won’t change.

The cost of each licence level exam will be:

The fees will come into effect for exams taken from 1 May this year.

Remember that if you’re a young person under the age of 21, in full-time education, you can apply for funding from the Radio Communications Fund (RCF) to pay your exam fees. For more information on how to apply, contact rcfsecretary@commsfoundation.org

Category: Front Page News, RSGB Notices