GOTA2C: Get on the air for Christmas (GOTA4C)
Construction competition – still time to enter
‘Get on the air for Christmas’ has ended but you still have time to enter the special construction competition. It is open to projects that have been carried out during the autumn 2020 lockdowns, over the Christmas holiday season or in the current lockdowns and restrictions. Projects can be hardware, software or a system and […]
GB3RS on air for ‘Get on the air for Christmas’ (GOTA4C)

On Wednesday 30 December the GB3RS station was active again for a second day from the NRC to support the RSGB’s GOTA4C campaign. The RSGB NRC Coordinator Martyn, G0GMB started the day with SSB QSOs on 80m, so as to encompass the regular morning NRC NET. Over 50 stations were logged calling in but by […]
Christmas Hope QSO Parties second series
Don’t forget the second series of the Christmas Hope QSO Parties – details of the times and modes are below: Christmas HQP Series 2 Monday 4 January 9:30-11:00 RTTY Tuesday 5 January 11:00-12:30 Phone Wednesday 6 January 12:30-14:00 FT4 Thursday 7 January 14:00-15:30 CW Monday 11 January 9:30-11:00 FT4 Tuesday 12 January 11:00-12:30 CW Wednesday […]
ICQ Podcast update on GOTA4C
The latest ICQ Podcast (episode 340) contains an update on the RSGB’s Get on the air for Christmas campaign as well as a wider look at amateur radio construction. The chat with Board Director Stewart Bryant, G3YSX; Construction Competition Lockdown Category winner Roy Bailey, G0VFS; and RSGB Communications Manager Heather Parsons starts at 1:18:15 in […]
GB1NHS and GB3RS on the air on Sunday 20 December
As part of the RSGB and NHS campaign ‘Get on the air for Christmas’ the NHS amateur radio station GB1NHS will be on the air on Sunday 20 December from the Midlands. Due to changes in the Tier restrictions announced by the Government on 19 December, it is no longer possible for it to be […]