Spectrum Forum Papers and Consultations
eLoran systems at 90-110kHz
Ofcom consulted in mid-2023 on licensing new eLoran transmitters in the UK. This uses a network of 400kW EIRP transmissions at ~100kHz to provide an alternative to GPS for Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT). Below are links for the Ofcom consultation and our response:- Spectrum for Enhanced Long-Range Navigation (eLoran) systems Ofcom: Consultation webpage RSGB: Response […]
Ofcom WRC-23 Consultation
Over the period June to September 2022, Ofcom consulted on UK provisional views and positions as part of the preparations for WRC-23 – the next ITU World Radio Conference. Topics of relevance to amateurs include 50MHz, 1.3GHz (23cm) and many other amateur allocations from LF to mmWaves. Ofcom: WRC-23 Consultation RSGB: WRC-23 Consultation Response […]
40MHz in the UK
Updates – Dec-2023 11-Dec-2023 Ofcom Statement on Updating Amateur Radio Licensing included: “3.225 We will continue to permit access to the 40 MHz band via an Innovation and Trial licence, but this is not an Amateur Radio Licence” 15-Dec-2023 ITU WRC-23: Unanimously agreed Agenda Item 1.12 for the frequency range 40-50MHz to be newly allocated […]
5/6GHz Wi-Fi & Millimetre Waves
Ofcom consultations in January-March 2020 covered two topics. Below are links for the Ofcom information and our responses:- Improving spectrum access for Wi-Fi in the 5 and 6 GHz bands Ofcom: Consultation webpage RSGB: Response Supporting innovation in the 100-200 GHz range Ofcom: Consultation webpage RSGB: Response
WRC-19 Update & WRC 23 Proposals
RSGB continues to participate in the WRC-19 process, including proposals for WRC 23 Agenda items. In July 2019 the President wrote to Ofcom regarding 144-146 MHz being included in a WRC-23 aeronautical proposal – along with other amateur radio interests re 50 MHz, WPT and 23cm/Galileo. Slides which give a broader overview of the WRC […]
Enabling Opportunities for Innovation
RSGB have responded to one aspect of this Ofcom consultation, with respect to opening up the 2390-2400 MHz amateur allocation to shared use. Ofcom: Consultation RSGB: Response