RSSTonight @ 8 – archive main list by year

8 July – QMX+ Multimode 160-6m transceiver kit design and features by Hans Summers, G0UPL

| June 26, 2024

The presentation Overview of the QMX+ transceiver and the path taken to get here High level technical description of QMX+ and its SDR architecture Detailed design discussion of several unusual, unique or innovative sections of QMX+ Future planned developments for QMX+ About Hans Hans graduated with a Physics BSc in 1993. He left his 22 year career […]

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3 June 2024 – Making amateur radio accessible

| June 4, 2024

The presentation In this webinar we’ll be looking at how amateur radio can be accessible and enjoyable, even if you have sight, hearing or mobility difficulties. We’ve invited three radio amateurs to explain how they have adapted their equipment, written software or used extra support from the RSGB or other radio amateurs to enable them […]

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13 May 2024 – KiCAD PCB design software by Mike Willis, G0MJW

| May 31, 2024

The presentation The aim of this talk is an introduction to designing printed circuit boards (PCBs) using the popular open source KiCAD package. Printed circuit boards are the basis of many amateur radio projects and this talk should demonstrate that anyone can design one and give some tips on how to ensure the board works […]

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8 April 2024 – HF Aurora Reflections Observed at Anchorage, Alaska USA by Whitham Reeve

| April 9, 2024

The presentation Many interesting phenomena can be observed in the high frequency radio band including aurora reflections, meteor trail reflections, radio blackouts, sudden frequency deviations, aircraft reflections, and propagation anomalies due to ionospheric patches and blobs. Detections of all these phenomena at Anchorage involve a terrestrial transmitter and terrestrial receiver separated by a distance great […]

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4 March 2024 – VHF National Field Day challenges and fun

| March 12, 2024

The presentation Have you wondered what happens at a VHF National Field Day (VHF NFD)? Would you like to take part in one? In this month’s webinar, we offer two different perspectives: Firstly, RSGB VHF Contest Committee member Richard, G4HGI will talk about how the RSGB VHFCC uses the VHF Survey and other tools to formulate […]

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5 February 2024 – Propagation at HF: What can we learn using digital modes WSPR and FST4W? by Gwyn Griffiths, G3ZIL

| February 6, 2024

The presentation Gwyn says: “This presentation is a story of learning-as-I-went-along with the Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR) mode within the WSJT-X digital communications package. It begins with building a simple, but successful, 7 MHz WSPR transceiver. “My next WSPR receiver went to the Arctic on an icebreaker, receiving three spots in eight days. Why? […]

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