Exam Specifications

Exam specifications v1.6 – For exams sat from 1 September 2024

Changes from the previous version

Compared to the previous syllabus version (v1.5), in v1.6 sections 1 and 7 have been revised in line with changes made to the licence by Ofcom in 2024.


Direct to Full v2.0 – For exams sat from 1 October 2024

Direct Entry to Full – revised specification

We are pleased to release version 2.0 of the Direct to Full Examination Syllabus which has been updated to include the new licence conditions. The new licensing conditions will be examined from 1 October 2024. Please see the information released with the three part syllabus for a summary of things that have changed in the exams following the licensing changes



Exam overview

Summary of exam questions; pass mark, percentage and time

Exam  Questions   Passmark   Percentage     Time (mins)
Foundation  26  19  73  60
Intermediate      46  28  61  90
Full   58  35  60  120
Direct to Full  Part 1 – 18
  Part 2 – 57
  Part 1 – 14
  Part 2 – 36
  Part 1 – 77.7
  Part 2 – 63.2
