Register online

Our first task starts you off by registering on some key amateur radio websites to help you get started in the hobby

    Amateur radio enthusiasts register their contact details so that other enthusiasts can contact them about the hobby, send them QSL cards and a whole host of other things!

  • Logbook of the World (LoTW)
    ARRL is the national amateur radio organization of the United States. They offer the Logbook of the World (LoTW) facility which is very helpful for logging contacts online that can be used for verifying achievements

  • RSGB QSL Bureau
    If you are a member of the RSGB you can use the RSGB QSL Bureau which helps you manage your QSL cards (both sending and receiving)

  • EchoLink
    Echolink is a free-of-charge computer-based amateur radio system that allows radio amateurs to communicate with others using VOIP technology on the internet