RSGB Centenary
Region 6 additional QRP Operations
Brian, M0STY / M6OXO, is to fill some of the gaps in the Region 6 schedule by operating QRP on 22nd, 23rd, 29th and 30th August from two different sites in North Wales. Further details can be found on the Centenary station calendar.
Centenary station: Calendar updates
A couple of changes have been made to the schedule for Region 6, North Wales. The Meirion ARS will now operate on Monday 19th August in addition to Sunday 18th August. Mark, M0UTD, has requested that his operation from a site near to Llangollen be moved forward a day. It will now take place on Tuesday […]
Outstanding logs
To help those who have worked the Centenary station yet their contact does not show in the online log, a new page giving details of “outstanding logs” has been created. This can be found as a sub-page to the “Online Log and QSL” page.
GW100RSGB on Saturday 17th Aug
We are delighted to announce that the Dragon ARS will be operating this coming Saturday on 40m, 20m, 15m, 10m and 6m from Llangefni, Anglesey.
Centenary station: lost log
A part of the computer log for the Colchester Radio Amateur’s operation of the station on 22nd and 23rd July has irretrievably been lost due to a catastrophic computer problem. About 140 contacts are involved. Attempts at data recovery have proved unsuccessful. Obviously, this will mean loss of credits for the Centenary Award and the […]
Centenary Dinner Photographs

To celebrate the formation of the RSGB in 5 July 1913 the Society held a Centenary dinner on the same date in 2013. The dinner followed the Centenary activity at Bletchley Park on the same day and was held at Horwood House, Buckinghamshire. You can now download two high-resolution group photographs of those who attended […]