HF awards
The RSGB offers a range of HF awards
Foundation Award
For the specification see our Foundation Awards page
Intermediate 100 Award
This award is available to UK Intermediate licence holders. It encourages activity during the first year of having the Intermediate licence.
Requirements: 25 contacts on each of the four designated bands
Modes: CW, SSB, Data modes, as appropriate on each band
Bands: 80m, 40m, 30m, 17m
Rules: Multiple contacts with the same amateur do not count.
- Full details and application form (2-page/204KB PDF)
IARU Region 1 Award
This award encourages activity on the HF bands. It recognises the work of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 1 in representing amateur radio within the region and the world. There are three classes of award:
- Class 1: all member countries on the IARU list (currently 102)
Class 2: 60 member countries
Class 3: 40 member countries
Requirements: The minimum number of contacts stated for each class of award
Modes: Any
Bands: 160, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10m.
Rules: Confirmation of two-way contacts is required by QSL cards, LoTW or ClubLog with any amateur radio station in the required number of countries.
- Application form (1-page/228KB PDF)
- Check sheet (33KB Microsoft Excel worksheet)
IARU Region 1 28MHz Award
This special single band award recognises the work of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 1 in representing amateur radio within the region and the world. There are three classes of award:
- Class 1: all member countries on the list (currently 102)
- Class 2: 60 member countries
- Class 3: 40 member countries
Requirements: The minimum number of contacts stated for each class of award
Modes: Any
Bands: 10m (28MHz)
Rules: Confirmation of two-way contacts is required by QSL cards, LoTW or ClubLog with any amateur radio station in the required number of countries.
- Application form (1-page/174KB PDF)
- Check sheet (18.5KB Microsoft Excel worksheet)
The Commonwealth Century Award (CCA)
This award recognises the operating skill required by amateurs on the HF bands. There are three levels of award within each band category.
- Century: 100 contacts
- Silver: 70 contacts
- Bronze: 40 contacts
Modes: Any
Bands: (5 band award): 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10m. (9 band award): 160, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10m.
Rules: Confirmation of two-way contacts is required by QSL cards, LoTW or ClubLog with any amateur radio station within the Commonwealth call areas at the time of application.
- Application form (1-page/231KB PDF)
- Check sheet (40KB Microsoft Excel worksheet)
Worked ITU Zones Awards
International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Zones offers a number of awards which allow progression through the bands. They are challenging and require a good range of operating skills. The awards recognise the work of the ITU in coordinating and facilitating communication networks throughout the world. The following awards are available:
- Classic Worked ITU Zones: minimum of 70 ITU zones defined by the ITU
- 5 Band Worked ITU Zones:
5BWITUZ Supreme: 350 Zones
5BWITUZ Class 1: 300 Zones (minimum of 50 on each band)
5BWITUZ Class 2: 200 Zones (minimum of 30 on each band)
- WARC Band Award:
WARC Supreme: 210 Zones
WARC Class 1: 195 Zones (minimum of 30 on each band)
WARC Class 2: 120 Zones (minimum of 30 on each band)
- Top Band Award:
Top Band Supreme: 60 Zones
Top Band Class 1: 40 Zones
Top Band Class 2: 20 Zones
Requirements: Produce evidence of the required number of contacts within ITU Zones
Modes: Any Mode
Bands: (Classic ITU Zones): 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10m. (5 Band Worked ITU Zones): 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10m. (WARC Band ITU Zones): 30, 17 and 12m. (Top Band ITU Zones): 160m
Rules: You may only apply for the WARC and Top Band Award if you currently hold either the Classic or 5 Band Worked Award.
Confirmation of two-way contacts is required by QSL cards, LoTW or Clublog with any amateur radio station within the ITU Zones listed at the time of application.
- WITUZ supplementary information (1-page/223KB PDF)
- List of ITU Zones (2-page/225KB PDF)
- WITUZ application form (1-page/651KB PDF)
- WITUZ check sheet (123KB Microsoft Excel worksheet)
Worked All Continents (WAC) Award
The WAC award encourages activity on the HF bands and recognises specific achievements across all bands or on a single band. The award is issued by IARU Headquarters (ARRL). It may be claimed by any licensed radio amateur in the UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man, who can show evidence of having contacted amateur radio stations in each of the six continents: Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, North America and South America. There is a range of awards and endorsements available:
- Awards:
Basic Certificate
CW Certificate
Phone Certificate
Image Certificate
Digital Certificate
Satellite Certificate
- Endorsements:
QRP Endorsement (5 Watts output or less)
1.8 MHz Endorsement
3.5 MHz endorsement
50MHz Endorsement
144 MHz Endorsement
432 Endorsement
1296 Endorsement
Other Endorsements
Requirements: Produce evidence of the required number of contacts within each of the six continents
Rules: All contacts must be made from the same country or separate territory within the same continent.
The ARRL does not currently accept LoTW confirmations for this award, further information can be found here—
- WAC and LoTW (3-page/104KB PDF)
To apply for the award using LOTW credits saved in a DXCC award account, please list claimed contacts on the ARRL WAC Award application form (1-page/634KB PDF) and forward it to the ARRL address given on the application form—it does not need to go via the RSGB Awards Manager.
If you need to use physical QSL cards to support your application, then send a copy of the application form by email together with scans of the QSL cards—or the physical cards and a self-addressed stamped envelope for their return—to the RSGB Awards Manager.