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Special Events News – 3 December 2023

| December 1, 2023

Datta, VU2DSI is active as AU2JCB until the 11 December to commemorate the birthdate of Indian physicist and radio pioneer

DX News – 3 December 2023

| December 1, 2023

Burkhard, DL3KZA is active as YB9/DL3KZA from Sumbawa Island, OC-150, until tomorrow, the 4 December. QSL via home call, direct

Contest News – 3 December 2023

| December 1, 2023

Today, the 3 December the 144MHz Affiliated Societies Contest runs from 1000 to 1400UTC. Using all modes on the 2m

Propagation News – 3 December 2023

| December 1, 2023

We were lucky last week – the solar flux index remained quite high and, after the geomagnetic upsets around the

News for England Midlands – 3 December 2023

| December 1, 2023

Meetings of Bolsover Amateur Radio Society take place on the first and third Tuesdays of the month starting at 8pm

News for England North – 3 December 2023

| December 1, 2023

Barnsley and District Amateur Radio Club has a meeting and social evening from 7pm every Tuesday. David, G4TMZ, Bishop

News for Northern Ireland – 3 December 2023

| December 1, 2023

Bushvalley Amateur Radio Club meets at 8pm on the last Thursday of each month at the Services Club, Roemill Road,

News for Scotland – 3 December 2023

| December 1, 2023

Ayr Amateur Radio Group meets on alternate Fridays at Prestwick Community Centre from 7.30pm. The next meeting will be held

News for England South-East – 3 December 2023

| December 1, 2023

On Wednesday Bishop’s Stortford Amateur Radio Society has its net from 8pm on 145.5625MHz. All are welcome to join in.

News for England South-West – 3 December 2023

| December 1, 2023

On Sundays, Appledore and District Amateur Radio Club has a net on 1.860MHz from 9.30am, followed by an SSB net