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WRC-23: Week-3 Update – 23cm and WPT

WRC-23: Week-3 Update – 23cm and WPT

| December 10, 2023

The end of the third week of the WRC-23 World Radiocommunication Conference saw plenary approval of a new footnote to

WRC-23 – 23cm recommendation approved

WRC-23 – 23cm recommendation approved

| December 8, 2023

The third week of the WRC-23 World Radiocommunication Conference has seen the approval of a new footnote to the 23cm

Exams Standards Committee report published

| December 8, 2023

The ESC has published its annual report, covering the operation of the amateur radio exams during the calendar year of

RSGB elections

| December 8, 2023

If you are interested in helping to see amateur radio, and the RSGB, continue to thrive over the coming years,

Also in GB2RS this week…

| December 8, 2023

The RSGB Board is delighted to announce that Bob Beebe, GU4YOX has been appointed as the new Nominations Committee Chair.

GB2RS News Script for 10 December 2023

| December 8, 2023

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s news script News script for 10 December 2023 (MS Word

Rallies and Events News – 10 December 2023

| December 8, 2023

The Sparkford Wireless Group Tabletop Rally, in aid of the RAIBC, will take place on Thursday, 28 December from 9.30am

Special Events News – 10 December 2023

| December 8, 2023

On Thursday, 14 December, from 1700UTC, lots of special event stations from the Netherlands will be on the air. The

DX News – 10 December 2023

| December 8, 2023

Burkhard, DL3KZA is active as YB9/DL3KZA from Lombok Island, OC-150, until 18 December. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

Contest News – 10 December 2023

| December 8, 2023

On Tuesday, the 12th, the 432MHz FM Activity Contest runs from 1900 to 1955UTC. Using FM on the 70cm band,