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RadCom Plus, Vol. 9, No. 1

RadCom Plus, Vol. 9, No. 1

| January 23, 2024

To read this edition, tap or click the cover image Contents 1 Excessive RF level protection filters Tom Alldread, VA7TA

GB2RS News Script for 21 January 2024

| January 19, 2024

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s news script News script for 21 January 2024 (MS Word

RSGB British Science Week activities

| January 19, 2024

This year’s British Science Week runs from 8 to 17 March 2024 with the theme of Time. This event is

RSGB strategic priorities updates

| January 19, 2024

At the Discussion with the Board session at the RSGB 2023 Convention, RSGB President, John McCullagh, GI4BWM confirmed that the

RSGB elections – deadline approaches

| January 19, 2024

The deadline for applications for the one elected RSGB Board Director position, and eight Regional Representative roles is Wednesday, 31

Also in GB2RS this week…

| January 19, 2024

A reminder that the RSGB is looking for four licensed radio amateurs to help raise the profile of wireless communication

Rallies and Events News – 21 January 2024

| January 19, 2024

The Lincoln Short Wave Club Winter Radio Rally will take place on Sunday 28 January at The Festival Hall, Caistor

Special Events News – 21 January 2024

| January 19, 2024

A team of German amateurs is operating special event callsign DM24EHF until the 28 January. The EHF suffix stands for

DX News – 21 January 2024

| January 19, 2024

Chris, WA7RAR will be active as 8P9CB from Barbados, NA-021, until the 25 January. Most of his operations will be

Contest News – 21 January 2024

| January 19, 2024

On Tuesday the 23 January, the SHF UK Activity Contest runs from 1930 to 2230UTC. Using all modes on the