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GB2RS News Script for 28 April 2024

| April 26, 2024

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s news script News script for 28 April 2024 (MS Word

Rallies and Events News – 28 April 2024

| April 26, 2024

The Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club’s 40th Annual Radio Rally is due to take place on Sunday 5 May. The

Special Events News – 28 April 2024

| April 26, 2024

Special callsign SZ0WARD is in use by the Radio Amateur Association of Greece in celebration of World Amateur Radio Day

DX News – 28 April 2024

| April 26, 2024

Jeff, K5WE and Craig, W5CCP are active as TX7W from Raivavae, OC-114,  in the Austral Islands until the 30 April.

Contest News – 28 April 2024

| April 26, 2024

The UK and Ireland DX CW Contest started at 1200UTC on Saturday 27 April and ends at 1200UTC today, the

Propagation News – 28 April 2024

| April 26, 2024

We had another week with plenty of sunspots, and HF conditions were quite good in the second half. Earlier, the

News for England Midlands – 28 April 2024

| April 26, 2024

Meetings of Bolsover Amateur Radio Society take place on the first and third Tuesdays of the month starting at 8pm

News for England North – 28 April 2024

| April 26, 2024

Barnsley and District Amateur Radio Club has a meeting from 7pm every Wednesday. On Thursday, there will be a net

News for Northern Ireland – 28 April 2024

| April 26, 2024

Antrim and District Amateur Radio Society has 2m nets from 9pm on Tuesday and from 8pm on Saturday. Visit the

News for Scotland – 28 April 2024

| April 26, 2024

Don’t forget that the ASRA Braehead Rally will be taking place on Sunday 19 May at the Braehead Arena from