2024 Convention – workshops and forums
We are adding new presentations and activities to the RSGB 2024 Convention each week so keep checking for the latest information!
Introduction to microcontroller programming
At this year’s RSGB Convention we are running a workshop to introduce attendees to microcontroller programming through a short presentation followed by practical exercises.
Our aim is to widen the programming skills in the amateur radio community and introduce individuals to radio-related usage of Micro Controller Units (MCUs).
What should I expect?
You will receive a genuine (not clone) Arduino board, a set of DuPont wires, a breadboard and two specific devices which you will be able to take away with you at the end of the workshop.
The exercises will take you through using the Arduino IDE, basic programming and interfacing to the provided devices.
How can I take part?
The workshop will take place on Saturday 12 October during the Convention and will last about two hours.
You need to pre-register as spaces are limited to just 20 people. The workshop and hardware are free, but in return for the £10 booking fee you will receive a copy of the “Microcontroller Know How” book by Mark Jones, G0MGX.
You must be a ticket holder for the Convention to be able to take part.
You will also need to bring a laptop on which you have pre-installed software ready for the workshop. Details of the software will be sent to you before the Convention.
Ready to book?
Head over to our main booking page and choose the MCU workshop option on the bottom right of the table of options.
EMF and EMC presentation and clinic (2.30pm)
On Saturday morning there will be an EMC and EMF Update presentation, followed by an informal EMC and EMF Clinic in the afternoon.
Led by RSGB EMC Committee Chair John Rogers, M0JAV with Ian White, GM3SEK and Peter Zollman, G4DSE who are two of the committee’s EMF Consultants, these sessions are not to be missed.
Head to the presentation to hear the latest updates and then take your EMC and EMF problems to the clinic where John, Ian, Peter and other specialists will be available to help.