Board of Directors
The RSGB Board plays an important role in the strategic direction of the Society
The Board usually comprises the President, four directly elected Directors and three Directors who are identified by the Nominations Committee and endorsed by the membership.
Each Board Director has a liaison role between the Board and specific aspects of the Society’s work.
The General Manager also has operational responsibilities.
We hope that Members will be able to use this as a guide to help them know who to contact if they have questions, concerns or ideas about any areas of the Society’s activities.
You can contact each Board Director, and the General Manager, via the email address shown by their name.
John McCullagh MBE, GI4BWM
President’s responsibilities: IARU Head of Delegation, Spectrum, Emergency Communications liaison, VHF Manager, HF Manager, Microwave Manager, Emerging Technology Coordination Committee (ETCC)
Stewart Bryant, G3YSX
Board ChairEmail:
Board liaison responsibilities: Nominations Committee, Publications, Technical Forum, EMC Committee, Legacy Committee
Peter Bowyer, G4MJS
Board Vice ChairEmail:
Board liaison responsibilities: Contest Support Committee, HF Contest Committee, VHF Contest Committee, Trophy Manager, Trophy Archivist
Mark Jones, G0MGX
Board liaison responsibilities: Morse Certification, Strategy, GB2CW, Intruder Watch (IW), Construction Competition
Ben Lloyd, GW4BML
Board liaison responsibilities: Youth Team, ARISS, ARDF
Tony Miles, MM0TMZ
Board liaison responsibilities: Propagation Studies Committee (PSC), Regional Team
Nathan Nuttall, 2M0OCC
Board liaison responsibilities: Beyond Exams, Accessibility Liaison, Awards, Special Interest Groups (SIG)
Len Paget, GM0ONX
Board liaison responsibilities: Examinations, Exam Syllabus Review Group (ESRG) Operating Advisory Service (OAS), Planning Advisory Committee (PAC)
Peter Ransom, M0SFZ
Board liaison responsibilities: TBC
The Honorary Treasurer, Company Secretary and General Manager are not Directors, but are in attendance at Board meetings.
Stephen Purser, GW4SHF
Company SecretaryEmail:
Steve Thomas, M1ACB
General ManagerEmail:
General Manager responsibilities: HQ staff, News (including GB2RS), Membership, Exam administration, Finance, RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC), Communications, Convention, Marketing, Ofcom liaison, Publications, Archivist
Chris Wood, GD6TWF
Honorary TreasurerEmail:
Board responsibilities
Board directors and executives have a responsibility to—
Set strategic aims and provide leadership to achieve them
Establish policies and monitor their implementation
Require clearly defined delegated responsibilities and accountabilities
Review operations, key controls, compliance, audits and risk assessments
Ensure team issues are addressed and that relevant policies and decisions are communicated effectively