Pile-up management
The RSGB supports the DX Code of Conduct, and would wish to draw your attention to the following tips that the Code gives for to the operators of DX stations – which you will be when you use the Centenary station call sign!
These are:
- Do your homework – look at the propagation predictions, consider aerials, match your operators to what they can manage, etc.
- Keep the community informed – make sure your entry in the station calendar is up-to-date; use the “Alert” system on the day
- Check the frequency before starting up
- You are the Boss and You are in Charge – if you get a partial call follow it up and if lost call QRZ again and get back into rhythm.
- Announce your call sign frequently
- Establish and Maintain a Rhythm – standardise you message as much as possible, keep it simple so as to create a rhythm . If you have a pile-up, then they are hearing you fine, so less need to use phonetics and spelling. Perhaps work the stronger stations first so that you can hear the weaker stations easier. Keep it brief if there is a large pile-up, just give secondary station info such as WAB, IOTA ref occasionally so that you can keep control.
- Work and log dupes, it’s quicker
- Give QSY/QRT information before leaving the pile-up, and also on the “Alert” system
- Establish a “Friendship” with the pile-up
- Avoid working by numbers – it would be appropriate for the Centenary station to stop the normal run and call only for a certain area, e.g. outside UK, Europe only, NA only, etc.
- Repeat corrected call signs so everyone is sure of being safely logged
- Be a role model
For more detailed information, including “split operation”, which was excluded from the above list (as the Centenary station isn’t that rare…), it would be best to consult the DX Code of Conduct for DXpeditions.