Centenary 2013
2013 marked the Centenary of the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB), the body that represents Britain’s radio amateurs. Starting life as the London Wireless Club the RSGB has since its inception brought together people with an interest in radio communication. The Society provided the framework within which the pioneers and experimenters of radio technology have thrived.
RSGB members have been at the forefront of the major contributions made to radio technology. Radio intelligence, television, radar development, re-designing the Iron lung and the discovery of Pulsars, have all had radio amateurs working on them. The influence of amateurs across, science, technology, medicine and the communications industry has been huge.
One hundred years later, the RSGB still provides a platform for the exchange of ideas amongst experimenters and, although the technologies may have changed, the amateur spirit has not. With this background many thousands of radio amateurs in the UK are proud to celebrate the Centenary of their organisation, the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB).
RSGB Centenary 2013 – key links
- Centenary Station – Current information
- Centenary Station – Archive
Centenary Challenge
- Centenary Award
- Construction Competition
- Convention-on-the-Road
- Centenary IOTA Contest
- Wall of History
- Joint IET/RSGB Centenary meeting
1st January 2014 update: This page along with the link pages will shortly be archived