Examinations Standards Committee

Exam in progress

The Examinations Standards Committee is responsible for oversight of the management structure and policy of the amateur radio examinations

What we do

  • Ensure syllabuses continue to meet Ofcom’s requirements, remain relevant and continue to reflect the requirements of a modern amateur radio service while ensuring examinations continue to cover the internationally agreed amateur radio syllabus (HAREC) (PDF)
  • Ensure examinations are run in accordance with the schedule to the MOU agreed between Ofcom and the RSGB
  • Ensure, so far as is practicable, that the examinations are consistent with CEPT T/R 61-02
  • Examine on a yearly basis the performance of the examination system
  • Publish a report on the RSGB websiteStudent taking exam

On 1 October 2015, responsibility for the management of the radio amateur examinations system passed from the RCF to the RSGB.

These revised arrangements are contained in a schedule of terms agreed between Ofcom and the RSGB.

This will allow the RCF trustees to focus on their charitable work, and will further streamline the administration of the examinations, building on the foundation established over the last eight years.

Examinations will continue to be available to all, regardless of RSGB membership, and these changes will have minimal impact on the conduct of the examinations at local level.

Contact the Examinations Standards Committee