IET/RSGB Joint Meeting
To mark the RSGB’s Centenary year and its early history of close association with the IEE, the forerunner of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET), a joint meeting with the IET was held on Thursday, 5 December 2013, at Imperial College, London.
The meeting was open to all, members of the IET and/or the RSGB as well as non-members, students, etc. The Society is very grateful to the British Amateur Television Club for video streaming the proceedings live on the Internet, and for making the key parts of the meeting available for later viewing:
- “Amateur Radio: a 100 years of introducing technology“, Peter E Chadwick, Sen Mem IEEE, G3RZP
- “Amateur Radio: looking to the future“, Lee Hudson, M0LMH
- Questions & Discussion and closing remarks by Bob Whelan, G3PJT, RSGB President
Our thanks to our two presenters and all who contributed to the success of this final event in our Centenary calendar.