AGM 2021

Notice is hereby given that the 94th Annual General Meeting of the Radio Society of Great Britain will be held on Saturday, 24 April 2021 online via the RSGB website and commencing at 12 noon for the transaction of the undermentioned business

1. Resolution 1

To receive and, if approved, con?rm the Minutes of the 93rd Annual General Meeting held on 25 April 2020 and circulated to Members in the April 2021 RadCom

2. Accounts

To receive and consider the accounts for the period 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020 and the reports of the Board and the Auditor available online from 1 April 2021

3. Resolution 2

To appoint Peters, Elworthy and Moore as auditors and to authorise the Board to ?x their remuneration

4. Resolution 3

To endorse two Nominated Directors—the candidates are Paul Devlin, G1SMP and David Hills, G6PYF as Directors of the RSGB to serve on the Board

5. Resolution 4

To elect a President—the candidates are Dr Stewart Bryant, G3YSX and Simone Wilson, M0BOX as the President of the RSGB and as a Director of the RSGB to serve on the Board

6. Resolution 5

To elect a Director—the candidates are John Louis Spurgeon, G4LKD; Rob Wilkes, 2W0HQD; Dave Wilson, M0OBW; Simone Wilson, M0BOX and Christopher Wood, GD6TWF as a Director of the RSGB to serve on the Board

The RSGB Annual Report and Financial Statements will be available on the RSGB website at from 1 April 2021. As usual, the accounts will be audited and will be ?led on public record at Companies House. As mentioned in the January 2019 RadCom,
the Society has decided to dispense with publishing its Report and Financial Statements in RadCom.

By order of the Board
Steve Thomas, M1ACB – Company Secretary
Stephen Purser, GW4SHF – Elections Officer


Explanatory note 1 (Resolution 3)

The Articles require that Nominated Directors are endorsed by the Membership in a secret ballot on or before the AGM [Article 33c]. Paul Devlin, G1SMP and David Hills, G6PYF were recommended to the Board as Nominated Directors
by the Nominations Committee in January 2021. The Board accepted the recommendation at its meeting of 16 January 2021 and Paul Devlin, G1SMP and David Hills, G6PYF are offered for endorsement in accordance with the Articles.

Explanatory note 2 (Resolution 4 and 5)

In this election one candidate, Simone Wilson, M0BOX, has exercised her right under Bylaw 4.5 to stand for Board Director as well as President. Bylaw 5.4 sets out a different voting arrangement as a consequence and Members will be asked to vote for not more than two candidates for Board Director. If Simone is elected as President and has the highest number of votes in the Board Director vote, then the person with the second highest number of votes will be duly elected; otherwise the Board Director successful candidate will be the one with the highest number of votes.
Bylaw 5.4 allows Members to vote for more candidates than there are vacancies in a Board election (Resolution 5) so that their preference is still counted if one of their chosen Board candidates is elected as President (Resolution 4).