IARU 2014 Consultation

IARU Region 1. RSGB is a member of this Region which covers Europe, Africa, the Middle East and northern Asia
This archived consultation on IARU Matters was for the Region-1 General Conference, held in Varna, Bulgaria in September 2014
Our consultation on this General Conference covered three stages:-
- Call for papers (i.e. to suggest/outline key topics ) which are aligned to:-
- C2 – Finance Matters
- C3 – General Topics—for example admin, QSLs, working groups on EMC, development, youth, etc.
- C4 – HF matters—for example band plan harmonisation, accommodating new modes, etc.
- C5 – VHF/Microwave—for example new modes, criteria for the new 6m beacon network, spectrum pressures, etc.
- Review Draft UK papers prior to submission (February/March 2014)
- Preview of papers ahead of the General Conference (Summer 2014)
All stages are now complete.
IARU Region 1 have uploaded to their website the full set of papers for the General Conference, which can be downloaded by following this link.
Additional Background
The Spectrum Forum IARU pages have papers and minutes from the most recent Region-1 General Conference and IARU Region 1 Interim Meeting
Note: Frequency specific items on band plans, technical standards or IARU-Region 1 contests matters are raised in either C4 (HF) or C5 (VHF/Microwave) as appropriate.