AGM trophy recipients
We announced the recipients of our trophies and awards at our AGM on Saturday 13 April. A list is below but for the full citation for each trophy, read the feature that will appear in the June RadCom. Congratulations to everyone!
Jock Kyle Memorial Award – Jim Glen, MM0GLM
Jack Wyllie Trophy – Paul McLaren, MM0ZBH
Courtenay Price Trophy – Andy Talbot, G4JNT and Martin Farrell, G8ASG
Ostermeyer Trophy – Tim Forrester, G4WIM
Norman Keith Adams Prize – David Bowman, G0MRF
Bennett Prize G8PF – Brian Austin, G0GSF
Wortley-Talbot Trophy – Martin Peters, G4EFE
Harold Rose Trophy – Chris Deacon, G4IFX
Louis Varney Cup – Graham Shirville, G3VZV
Fraser Shepherd Award – Frank Schmähling, DL2ALF
Don Cameron G4STT Memorial Award – ‘Tex’ Swann, G1TEX
Les Barclay Memorial Award – Gwyn Griffiths, G3ZIL
Calcutta Key – Barry Lewis, G4SJH
The Founders’ Cup – Martyn Baker, G0GMB
Life Vice President – Murray Niman, G6JYB
Awarded to recognise an outstanding contribution to amateur radio. This is not awarded every year and is reserved for those who have made an outstanding contribution to amateur radio. It is the highest honour the Society can bestow.
It is awarded this year to Murray Niman, G6JYB. Murray has contributed and continues to contribute to amateur radio in many ways at local, special interest and at national level. However, it is his contribution as Chair of the Spectrum Forum that we particularly recognise. Murray was appointed Microwave Manager in 2006 and Chair of the Spectrum Forum in 2014, a post that he continues to hold.
He has taken an active role in setting RSGB IARU policy on spectrum and general policy matters, assisting and guiding six RSGB Presidents in their role of Head of IARU delegation. He has built strong relationships with our regulator Ofcom and helped generate policy that has steered amateur radio worldwide away from significant threats at the 2023 World Radio Conference. This was a one-month event that he attended in his own time.
Murray took a leading RSGB role in liaising with Ofcom on behalf of all radio amateurs in the UK in the years leading up to the new licence. He provided leadership during the consultation on the new terms, providing feedback to Ofcom and educating the radio amateurs in the UK on the meaning and significance on the new licence. Since Ofcom announced the new licence conditions, he has continued to provide help and guidance to radio amateurs on behalf of the RSGB.
Murray is a most deserving holder of the title of RSGB Life Vice President.