RSGB trophies

AGM trophy table
Here is information on trophies the RSGB awards
Awarded by the RSGB Board:
Calcutta Key
For work associated with international friendship through amateur radio
Founders’ Cup
For outstanding service to the Society
Raynet Trophy
For outstanding service to the Radio Amateurs’ Emergency Network
Kenwood Trophy
For making a significant contribution to training and development in amateur radio within the United Kingdom
Award by the Spectrum Forum
1962 Committee Cup
Awarded for outstanding amateur development at VHF/UHF
Don Cameron, G4STT Award
For an outstanding contribution to low power amateur radio communication
Fraser Shepherd Award
For research into microwave applications to radio communication
G5RP Shield (presented at the RSGB Convention)
For greatest progress in the DX field made by an RSGB member resident in the UK during the year
Harold Rose Trophy
To the person making an outstanding contribution to 50MHz
Les Barclay Memorial Award
To recognise those who have made excellent contributions to propagation research and understanding
Louis Varney Cup
For advances in space communication
ROTAB Trophy (presented at the RSGB Convention)
For outstanding and consistent DX work
Awarded by the Technical Committee:
Bennett Prize G8PF
For any significant contribution or innovation which furthers the art of radio communication
Courtenay Price Trophy
For the most outstanding published technical contribution to amateur radio
Norman Keith Adams Prize
For the most original article published in RadCom
Ostermeyer Trophy
For most meritorious description of a piece of home-constructed or electronic equipment published in RadCom
Wortley-Talbot Trophy
For outstanding experimental work in amateur radio
Trophies awarded by the HF Contest Committee:
1930 Committee Cup
Winner of the Low Power Contest, 10W Fixed Section
Ariel Trophy
Leading club in Club Calls Contest
Senior Rose Bowl
Winner of Commonwealth Contest, single operator, unassisted in the Open Section
Junior Rose Bowl
Runner-up in Commonwealth Contest, single operator, unassisted in the restricted section
Braaten Trophy
Leading G station in the ARRL DX CW Contest, in the single operator not unlimited category
Bristol Trophy
Winner of the Low Power Assisted Portable Section of NFD
Col. Thomas Rose Bowl
Winner in the Open Section, single operator of the Commonwealth Contest
Cyril Leyden G4RYY Memorial Trophy
Winner of the single operator, 12 hour, CW section of the IOTA Contest
David Hill G4IQM Memorial Trophy
Club Calls Contest winning team in the Local Category
David King G3PFS Trophy
Winner of the single operator, 12 hour SSB Section of the IOTA Contest
Edgware Trophy
Winning team in AFS CW Contest
Flight Refuelling ARS Trophy
Winning team in AFS SSB Contest
G2QT Cup
Winner of the RSGB HF Contest Championship
G3DYY Memorial Trophy
Highest scoring single operator entry, in the 24 hour CW section, of the IOTA Contest
G3MZV Memorial Cup
Highest scoring single operator low power unassisted portable station in the NFD
G3PSH Memorial Trophy
Winner of the QRP Portable Section of SSB Field Day
G3XTJ Memorial Trophy
Highest placed entrant with and error-free log in RoLo CW Contest
G5MY Trophy
Highest aggregate score in both RoLo Contests
G5RV Memorial Shield
Leading Affiliated Society in the Local Category of the 3.5MHz Club Championship
G8KW Trophy
Leading G in the CQWW DX CW Contest, Single Op, not Assisted Category
GM5VG Trophy
Leading UK & CD station in the DXpedition, Multi 1 Category of the IOTA Contest
GW4BLE Memorial Cup
Leading Single Operator, not unlimited in the ARRL DX SSB Contest
Henry Lewis G3GIQ Memorial Cup
Winner of the Single Operator in the 24 hour SSB Category of the IOTA Contest
Horace Freeman Trophy
Winning Club in the General Category of the 3.5MHz Club Championship
Houston Fergus Trophy
Winner of the 10W section of Low Power Field Day
Lilliput Cup
Winner of the Low Power, Single Operator, Unassisted Section of the Commonwealth Contest
Marconi Trophy
Highest individual score in AFS CW Contest
Milne Cup
Leading GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU or GW single not unlimited op station in the ARRL DX CW Contest
Newbury Trophy
Winning Local Club in the 3.5MHz Autumn Contest Series
NFD Shield
Winner UK & CD Low Power Unassisted Portable station in NFD
Northumbria Cup
Winner of the Low Power Unassisted Section in SSB Field Day
Powditch Transmitting Trophy
Leading Single Operator Assisted Mixed Mode station in the DX Contest
Reading QRP Trophy
Leading station in the QRP Section of NFD
Rosebery Shield
Winner of the Single Op Assisted Section of the Commonwealth Contest
Ross Cary Rose Bowl
Leading Single Operator entry in the 12 hour Open Section of Commonwealth Contest
RSGB 80m Challenge Cup
Highest scoring individual in the 100w or 10 w Section of the 80m Club Championship
Leading UK & CD Single Operator, not assisted station in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest
RSGB HF Contest Committee Trophy
Winner of the 3W Fixed Section of the Low Power Contest
RSGB Lichfield Trophy
Highest individual score in AFS SSB Contest
Somerset Trophy
Winner of first 1.8MHz CW Contest
Southgate Trophy
Winner of the 3W Portable Section of Low Power Field Day
T E Wilson G6VQ Cup
Leading Single Op Unassisted CW station in the DX Contest
Verulam Silver Jubilee Trophy
Most accurate log in RoLo SSB Contest
Victor Desmond Cup
Winner of the 2nd 1.8MHz Contest
Whitworth Cup
Leading Single Op Assisted SSB station in the DX Contest
Trophies awarded by the VHF Contest Committee:
10GHz Trophy
Winner of the May 10GHz Trophy event, organised by the VHF Contest Committee
144MHz Backpackers Trophy
Leading station in section 5B of the 144MHz Backpackers Contest
1951 Council Cup
Winner of 432MHz Trophy Contest
Arthur Watts Trophy
Awarded to the winner of the Low Power section of VHF NFD
Bill Capstick G3JYP Memorial Trophy
Winner of the 70MHz CW Contest
Bolton Wireless Trophy
Leading Local Club in the overall UKAC
Bryn Llewellyn G4DEZ Trophy
Leading Single Operator in the overall UKAC
Cockenzie Quaich
Leading resident GM station in the Restricted section of VHF NFD
Foundation Shield
Leading Foundation station in the 144MHz UKAC
Four Metre Cup
Leading Single Operator station in the 70MHz Trophy Contest
G0ODQ Trophy
Winner of the 432MHz AFS Contest
G3MEH Trophy
Leading club in the 144MHz AFS Contest
G5BY Trophy
Winner of the ‘Mix & Match’ Section of VHF NFD
G6NB Trophy
Winner of the 144MHz Club Championship in the UKAC
G6ZR Memorial Microwave Trophy
Winner of 2.3GHz Trophy Contest
Hadley Wood Trophy
Winner of the AFS Super League
Intermediate Shield
Leading Intermediate station in the 144MHz UKAC
John Pilags Memorial Trophy
Leading single operator fixed station in the RSGB VHF Contests Championship
Low Power VHF Championship
Leading Low Power station in the RSGB VHF Contests Championship
Martlesham Trophy
Winner of VHF NFD, Restricted section
Mitchell-Milling Trophy
Winner of the Open Section of the 144MHz Trophy Contest
Racal Radio Cup
Winner of the Open Section of the RSGB VHF Contests Championship
Scottish Trophy
Leading GM station in VHF NFD, Low Power section
SMC Six Metre Cup
Highest scoring single operator UK entry in the 50MHz Trophy Contest
Surrey Trophy
Winner of the Open section of VHF NFD
Tartan Trophy
Leading Resident Scottish station in VHF NFD
Telford Trophy
Leading Open section station in 50MHz Contest
Thorogood Trophy (European Cup)
Winner of Single Operator Section of the 144MHz Trophy Contest
VHF Championship AFS Trophy
Winner of the AFS Section of the VHF Championship
VHF Contests Committee Cup
Overall winner of the 1.3GHz Trophy Contest
VHF Manager’s Trophy
Winner of 70MHz Trophy Contest
Awarded by the UK Microwave Group:
24GHz Trophy
For activity on various bands leading to awards
47GHz Trophy
For activity on various bands leading to awards
Alan Wakeman G3EEZ Trophy
For contributions to Microwave Communications
Dain Evans G3RPE Trophy
Winner of the 10GHz Cumulatives Open Section
G0RRJ Trophy
For 24GHz Cumulatives
G3JMB Trophy
Winner of the 10GHz Cumulatives Restricted Section (1W max)
G3VVB Memorial Trophy
For the best home-produced project of hardware, software or combination of the two, relevant to microwave, mmwave or nanowave related exhibited at a microwave round table
G4EAT Trophy
Leading station on 1.3GHz in the UKuG Low Band Championship
Les Sharrock G3BNL Memorial Award
For innovation or technical development of microwave equipment or technique
Tim Leighfield G3KEU Trophy
Leading entry in the 5.7GHz Cumulatives
Other RSGB Trophies
Pat Hawker G3VA Award (presented at the AGM)
Overall Winner of Construction Competition held at the Convention.
Jack Wyllie Trophy (presented at the GMDX AGM)
Awarded to the scottish club, society or RSGB member thought to have done the most for amateur radio in Scotland.
Jock Kyle Memorial Award (presented at the GMDX AGM)
Awarded to the Scottish club, society or RSGB member thought to have done the most in Scotland in the field of VHF.
Life Vice Presidency (presented at the AGM)
Non-Returnable Trophies awarded by the HF Contest Committee
CDXC Geoff Watts Memorial Trophy
Leading Non-UK High Power Multi Op (M1 or M2) in the IOTA Contest. This trophy is donated by the Chiltern DX Club.
Commonwealth Medal
Station providing the most improved score or contribution to the Commonwealth Contest
GMDX (high power) Trophy
Winner of the Single Operator Section in the high power 24 hour category of the IOTA Contest
GMDX (low power) Trophy
Winner of the Single Operator Section in the low power 24hour category of the IOTA Contest
RSGB John Dunnington G3LZQ Trophy
Leading Single Operator, in the Unassisted, Restricted Section of the IOTA Contest. This trophy is donated by the Addiscombe ARS.
RSGB-IOTA Dxpedition Multi-2 Trophy
Winner of the Dxpedition Multi-2 Category of the IOTA Contest
RSGB-IOTA Multi-Op Fixed Trophy
Winner of the Fixed Multi-Operator M1 or M2 Category in the IOTA Contest
RSGB-IOTA Multi-Op LP Dxpedition Trophy
Winner of the Dxpedition, low power, Multi Operator Category in the IOTA Contest
RSGB-IOTA Single Op High Power Trophy
Winner of the Single Operator, high power, world station in the IOTA Contest
RSGB-IOTA Single Op Low Power Trophy
Winner of the Single Operator, low power, world station in the IOTA Contest
RSGB-IOTA Single Op QRP Trophy
Winner of the Single Operator, QRP, world station in the IOTA Contest
Summer Isles Trophy
Winner of the Single operator, low power Dxpedition in the IOTA Contest. This trophy is donated by MM0BQI.
VP8GQ Trophy
Leading non-UK Single Operator, Unassisted, 12 hour category in the Open Section of the IOTA Contest. This trophy is donated by G3LET.
For enquiries or more information please contact the Trophies Manager.