DX News – 20 July 2014

| July 18, 2014

Many stations are likely to be on the air from exotic locations next weekend for the RSGB Islands on the Air contest. Here is a sample of those who are likely to be active.

Members of the Union de Radioaficionados de Tenerife will be active as EA8URT from the Canary Islands, AF-004, during the contest on 27 and 28 July. QSL direct as instructed on QRZ.com or via the bureau.

IW2NEF will be active from Zanzibar Island, AF-032, probably using the call 5H1NE, from 22 July until 6 August. Activity will be holiday style on SSB only. QSL via IK2DUW.

OM3RM will be operational portable stroke 9A from Vis Island, EU-016, during the contest. This as a Single-Operator All-Band Mixed entry. QSL via OM3RM.

PS8RV will be active as ZY8D from Caju Island, SA-072, from 25 to 27 July and taking part in the contest. Operation will be on HF but modes have not been announced. QSL via the information provided on QRZ.com.

Category: GB2RS DX News