DX News
JH1AJT will be on the air from Bhutan until 15 November as A5A. He will be active on all bands between 10 and 40m using various modes. QSL via home callsign.
Frank Pulfer, HB9BXU and a team of Swiss amateurs will activate the island of Aitutaki, IOTA OC-083, from 12 to 30 November. This island belongs to the Cook Islands and is situated in the Polynesian Triangle of the Southern Pacific area. They plan to be active on all bands from 10m to 80m, including WARC bands, using SSB, CW and PSK31. The DXpedition is holiday-style.
Paul Evans will be active as VP9KF in Bailey’s Bay, Bermuda, IOTA NA-005, from 5 to 19 November. He has been active in Bermuda twice a year since 2006 and has built up a total of almost 20,000 QSOs. QSL info is direct to his address in Tampa, Florida. See QRZ.COM for full details.
Eric, SM1TDE will be holidaying in Kenya from 5 to 22 November. He will operate CW only as 5Z4/SM1TDE on all bands from 10 to 40m. QSLs go via his home callsign and logs will also be uploaded to Logbook of the World.
Category: GB2RS DX News