Special Focus
WRC-19 Day-5+Sat: Don’t count your chickens…

Friday saw progress, as a few items became clear, or so people thought – as we went to overtime on Saturday. The third Plenary session of the conference was held on Friday afternoon. This saw items where there was a consensus for ‘No Change’ (aka NOC) being addressed. Two Agenda Items of interest were given […]
WRC-19 Day-4: Consensus, or Not

WRC-19 takes decisions based on consensus rather than votes. Day 4, Thursday October 31st provided a few examples of the extremes, of when views converge, or not. Wireless Power for electric vehicles (WPT-EV) managed to reach consensus on one of its core regulatory aspects. Subject to finalisation, ‘No Change’ will be made to the ITU […]
WRC-19 Day-3: kHz, MHz and GHz

Amateur radio interests at WRC-19 span an amazing range of frequencies and applications from kHz to GHz. Day-3 saw the start of the Wireless Power Transmission topic. Agenda Item 9.1.6, specifically considers its high power use for charging electric vehicles, termed WPT-EV. Whilst it operates at relatively low frequencies such as 19-21 or 79-90 kHz, […]
WRC-19 Day-2: The real work begins, inc 50 MHz

Following Monday’s opening, the second day saw most committees and sub-working groups stood up and many agenda items having their documents introduced. First thing of particular interest to amateur radio, was the release of two documents:- The official information document on IARU WRC-19 Positions across various current agenda items and views on future proposals that […]
WRC-19 Day-1: A Grand Opening

Monday morning October 28, saw WRC-19 start in the Sharm el-Sheikh International Conference Centre (SHICC) with an opening ceremony that ITU and the Egyptian hosts could be rightly proud of. Most of the 3500 registered delegates had managed to get hold of a prized secondary pass for the enhanced security precautions and were comfortably seated […]
WRC-19 Day-0: Being Prepared

After four years of preparation, studies and proposals, the start of the 2019 World Radiocommunication Conference is at hand. Opening on Monday Oct-28, and running for four weeks. The recent pattern of WRCs has been every three to four years (WRC-12, WRC-15 and now WRC-19). Most recent events have been held at ITU HQ in […]