2014 UK Amateur Licence Review

UK 2014 amateur licence reviewThe Society thanks the many hundreds of amateurs who responded to the Ofcom Amateur 2014 Licence Review Consultation in time for the 20 October 2014 deadline. The RSGB’s own response is available to read below.

NB: Looking for the 2023/4 review ? – click here

Ofcom initially consulted in 2013 on amending amateur access to the 2.3 and 3.4GHz bands. This was then followed in 2014 by a consultation on wider licence changes including incorporation of the 470kHz and 5MHz NoVs. Our own response was developed with the assistance of the many comments on our Consultation Forum, as well as specialist expertise from RSGB Spectrum Forum members.

Ofcom received ~2000 responses, which provided a useful body of evidence for their assessment and statement. The final phase in 2015 covered implementation by a ‘Notice of Variation’.

UK 2014 Amateur Licence Review

Consultation Outcome


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