TF – Terms of Reference
The Technical Forum Chair is appointed by, and will report to, the Board. The ToR for the Technical Forum are:-
- The Forum shall consist of the RSGB Technical Consultants, members of the Society, representatives of affiliated special interest groups and of external expertise thought to be appropriate.
- Participants of the Forum shall be by invitation.
- The working of the Technical Forum shall be internet based with meetings when appropriate. Note: It is envisaged that there be one main meeting a year with additional meetings only where specialist knowledge or expertise is required.
- The aims of the Forum is to pursue, encourage and facilitate technical activities of the hobby, make recommendations or advise where appropriate.
- Participants of the Forum may be requested to review technical articles for Radcom.
- The Board’s policy on the review of technical articles shall apply.
- Reviewers notes and guidance in the form of a Peer Review document is available on request.
- The peer review of technical articles is arranged through the technical editor.
- The Forum shall actively encourage new contributors to Radcom at all levels and provide a mentoring service where appropriate.
- Participants of the Forum may on occasions be requested to review books. This is arranged through the Commercial Manager.
- To recommend annually to the Board the award of the relevant Societies trophies.
- To liaise with other committees of the Society, organisations and offer guidance where required.
- To organise and prepare conference papers by the Society and special interest groups making appropriate recommendations to the Board.