YOTA Bulgaria Day 2

| July 30, 2019

What did you get up to on Day 2?

To start the day, we attended a ‘Train the Trainer’ lecture, learning about YOTA activities in Austria. Later in the morning, an engineer from Rohde & Schwarz taught us the fundamentals of measurements in amateur radio. We finished off the day with an intercultural evening, with all 27 countries bringing products from their home nations for us to taste.

What was your favourite bit of the day?
My favourite bit was experiencing other cultures through their food and drinks. I was brave, so I tried Romanian uncooked pig skin, which tasted… interesting! We finished the evening having learnt some European dances and having gained many new friends.

What did you learn that you didn’t already know?
Austria’s TtT talk provided many ideas and practical advice for organising YOTA activities.

What are you looking forward to next?
I am looking forward to the next part of the Rohde & Schwarz talk on measurements in amateur radio that will expand my knowledge into oscilloscopes and spectrum analysers.

Timothy Hare, 2E0HTJ

Category: YOTA 2019