November deadline for EMF compliance checking

| October 1, 2021

The new Ofcom EMF regulations require compliance checking for all stations operating at above 110MHz from 18 November.

The RSGB EMF web page contains links to the requirements as well as tools and advice to help radio amateurs to comply.

Two new additions have been added to this web page:

  1. A new Pre-Assessed Equipment Configuration (PAEC-2) which derives the exclusion zones needed for VHF and up beam antennas
  2. A new version of the calculator v11a which incorporates specific advice for VHF beams to help you show compliance. If you have already completed your checks using v10a of the calculator they remain valid, however the new version has additional guidance and may make compliance easier to demonstrate. Watch out for a feature in November RadCom on this topic

Also under preparation is PAEC-3 covering microwave antennas which will appear soon.

Category: Front Page News, RSGB Notices