Thank you to all RSGB volunteers

| June 3, 2021

To mark Volunteers’ Week 2021, RSGB President Stewart Bryant, G3YSX has recorded a short video clip to thank all RSGB volunteers for the work that they have done to support the amateur radio community during the last year

Tap or click image below to play the video in YouTube.

He also highlights just a few examples of the fantastic activities they have helped us to provide.

Whatever your volunteer role at the RSGB — thank you!

You can also watch our video that looks back at 2020 and reveals more of the countless activities Stewart refers to.

To read stories about new licensees, media coverage and what clubs and groups did, take a look at our ‘Get on the air to care’ web pages.

Category: Front Page News, GOTA2C: Clubs, groups and societies, RSGB Notices