Chair of the RSGB HF Contest Committee

| August 30, 2017

The RSGB HF Contest Committee is responsible for deciding the HF contesting strategy, organising the HF contesting calendar, setting the rules and providing clarification of the rules to the contest adjudicators. This committee performs a key role in the enjoyment of amateur radio by many RSGB members.

The position of Chair of the HF Contest Committee is offered for an agreed term of up to three years. Nick Totterdell G4FAL, the current Chair, is approaching the end of his agreed term and has stated that he is not seeking to be reappointed.

RSGB Members who wish to be considered for appointment to this important role should write to Steve Thomas, M1ACB, General Manager via providing details of their amateur radio and other relevant experience.

Category: Front Page News, RSGB Notices