Special Events – 26 May 2013

| May 24, 2013

Lough Erne ARC are operating GB2MAC this weekend from Marble Arch Caves International Geopark to mark the start of European Geopark Week. Many other Geoparks will be on the air from around the world including Papuk Geopark in Croatia as 9A1GEO and Harz Geopark in Germany as DK0GEO.

Marconi used the yacht Elettra as a mobile laboratory and II1BTK will be on the air to commemorate it next weekend as part of Museum Ships Weekend. The station will be operated by the ARI Fidenza Club and a special QSL card will be available.

On June 26th 1913, Barrow Wireless Association in NW England received a transmitting licence from the Post Office, the fifth English club to do so. Furness Amateur Radio Society, as a successor to that association, is celebrating this centenary with a series of events and on-air activities. Ofcom have been approached for a special callsign and this will be announced as soon as it is confirmed. Amateurs in the UK and beyond are invited to work the station. Activity will be from early June for around 28 days.

Category: GB2RS Special Events