Exams committee reorganised

| October 4, 2019

In the January 2019 issue of RadCom we announced that the exam committee structure would be changing and that the The Examinations and Syllabus Review Group (ESRG) has now been formed to replace the previous Examinations Group.

It has similar terms of reference but the membership of the committee has been widened.

It has always been open to teaching, electronics and other professionals but there are now places for club tutors who hold a Full amateur radio licence and have taught the Advanced (Full) Syllabus for at least two years.

The aim is to ensure that the content of the syllabus and examination questions keeps in touch with the expectations of those operating at club level.

The ESRG met recently for the first time under the acting Chairmanship of Dr Donard de Cogan.

It considered the process by which question challenges are made and handled.

Whilst these have always been considered to the highest standard of fairness, observations have been made that the process lacks transparency.

We have responded to this feedback and in future, all challenges to questions will be signed off by the Chair with detailed explanations about why the challenges have been determined in a particular way.

We have also now published a list of ESRG members.

There will be further announcements from the ESRG regarding syllabus development which will be profiled in RadCom as well as on the RSGB website and social media channels.

Finally, as a result of the reorganisation of the ESRG there are, in addition to a new Chair appointment, three vacancies which we would like to fill.

Two of these are for club tutors as outlined above. You can find out more from our volunteering pages at rsgb.org/volunteers.

Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines