Train the Trainers days in May and June

| February 27, 2015

RSGB Train the Trainers days are for you if you are delivering training for the amateur examinations and do not already have a professional educational background.

The purpose is to give you some insights in how to prepare and deliver your material, to improve the learning skills of your class and hopefully inject some fun into the experience for everyone.

Train the Trainers days are available to RSGB Members and there is no charge.

Places at each venue are limited so apply soon if you are interested.

The next Train the Trainers day is on 9 May, in Norwich.

In order to book a place, please email David, G7URP at

A further Train the Trainers day will be held in Badsworth, Yorkshire on 13 June.

To book for that location, please email

Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines