DX News – 3 September 2023

| September 1, 2023

This Sunday, the 3rd, is the last chance to work Matt, AF2F while he is active as K4H from Hatteras Island, NA-067. He is using CW and FT8. QSL via Club Log’s OQRS. Christo, LZ3FN and Thomas, SV2CLJ are QRV from Skyros Island, EU-060, in Greece, as SV8/LZ3FN and SV8/SV2CLJ. They are operating on the […]

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Contest News – 3 September 2023

| September 1, 2023

IARU Region 1 Field Day and RSGB SSB Field Day both started at 1300UTC on Saturday, 2 September and end at 1300UTC on Sunday, 3 September. Using SSB on the 80 to 10m bands, where contests are permitted, the exchange is signal report and serial number. The 144MHz Trophy Contest started at 1400UTC on Saturday, […]

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Propagation News – 3 September 2023

| September 1, 2023

We had another week of relatively settled solar conditions. The Kp Index never really got above three and the Solar Flux Index flattened to be below 140. Solar flares were nominal with only minor C-class events occurring and with no Earth-directed coronal mass ejections. The solar wind speed remains low as does its density. The […]

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Board Director co-option

| August 25, 2023

RSGB Board Chair Stewart Bryant, G3YSX is pleased to announce that the Board has co-opted Ben Lloyd, GW4BML as a Board Director until the AGM in April 2024. Ben had a significant number of votes in the 2023 Board elections. Ben brings a fresh perspective together with a very active life as a radio amateur […]

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RSGB 2023 Convention speakers

| August 25, 2023

The RSGB 2023 Convention is just seven weeks away and the Society is delighted that AMSAT will be holding its Colloquium during the event again. The RSGB’s programme includes a fantastic range of expert speakers and amateur radio topics. You’ll hear behind-the-scenes stories about the Rockall DXpedition 2023 and the Bouvet 3Y0J DXpedition; Cathy Clarke, […]

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IARU Region 1 General Conference

| August 25, 2023

IARU Region 1 will hold its next General Conference from 1 to 4 November 2023 in Zlatibor, Serbia. A wide range of papers and proposals are now available online and the RSGB welcomes comments on these. Topics include: general reports; organisational and budget proposals; the new HF Bandplan; VHF, UHF and SHF changes; and consideration […]

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