IMPORTANT – Ofcom licence review

| October 13, 2014

The RSGB held its regular meeting with Ofcom last Thursday and, as you will know, Ofcom attended the Convention at the weekend.

Ofcom building and logoFeedback from those events is that—

  • Only 300 or so people have responded to the consultation document so far
  • Ofcom will be relying heavily on the volume and content of the responses as evidence of what the amateur radio community feels about the proposals

Whilst we published some explanatory notes on the website soon after the document was released, it is apparent that many amateurs have not yet read the document which is far from straightforward in several places.

Whilst the questions posed by Ofcom appear simple, there are various important points that may not be entirely obvious on first reading of the document.

We are thus today publishing further guidance together with suggested responses to the key questions at

There is now just one week before Ofcom’s consultation period ends—20 October—and thus time is of the essence.

Category: All Regions, Front Page News, RSGB Notices