Training and Education Committee (TEC)

Train-the-Trainers event in Norwich
Within the Training and Education Committee (TEC) relatively little conventional committee and discussion work takes place. Instead, much of what we do is based on project teams. With all members working towards particular goals within a team, everyone makes continuing contributions.
What we do
- Work with Ofcom and other stakeholders to improve the training offered.
- Work with other RSGB committees as needed to support Training and Education.
- Consider how training might be extended to provide additional member benefits.
- Investigate different ways for training to be provided, including distance learning and other internet-based technologies
- Develop mentoring within the hobby to aid progression and as a form of personal development
- Support the tutors with core training resources, such as the Train the Trainers scheme, training guide and training resources.
We also:

Electronics building class organised as part of Youngsters on the Air (YOTA)
- Maintain a discussion group for tutors
- Make recommendations and take action on any other training or education related issues
- Organise UK participation in IARU Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) and organise YOTA events in the UK
TEC members are experienced and dedicated people who work in small project teams to deliver the various Committee roles, linked to RSGB operational objectives.
Progress is reported to the RSGB Board twice each year and an annual report is published in RadCom in advance of the AGM.
All TEC members have signed up to the RSGB Code of Conduct and Ethos.