Special focus issues
Here you will find reports on issues of special interest to the RSGB. Please use the sub-menus (on the right) to view articles on a particular subject.
Latest: Ofcom Amateur Review / Update
And: WRC-23 , WRC27/31
– inc Galileo / 23cm, 50MHz Radar Sounders, Space Weather, EME/Satellites
WRC-19 News & Blog Posts
Prior Background on WRC-19 including the WRC-23 Proposals for 144-146 MHz & 23cm/Galileo
Other topics: PLT, WRC-12, WRC-15
WRC-23 news items are below:-
WRC-23 Day-6: 50MHz and 23cm
Week-2 of WRC-23 started with a 9am meeting of the AI-9.1b, 23cm…WRC-23: Week-1 Summary
WRC-23 finished its first week with all current agenda items underway and…WRC-23 Days-3+4: 23cms Recommendation and more
Wednesday (Day-3) saw the start of the discussions on Agenda-Item 9.1b –…Day-2: WRC-23 Scales up – including 40-50MHz
WRC23 Day-2 saw the conference structure launch working groups and subgroups, as…Day-1: WRC-23 Begins & 23cm Progress
Monday November 20 saw a hugely well attended opening ceremony, speeches and…WRC-23 Day-0: Nearly Ready
Final preparations are nearly complete for the opening of the 2023 World…