Audio & Braille resources
UK Amateur radio has a charity dedicated to supporting the needs of people with disabilities – RAIBC :
- RAIBC information
- RAIBC website:
- Contact: Sandra Brown M6SDS, RAIBC Secretary,
- Email:, Phone: 0800 028 8660
- Licence Terms & Conditions: Audio Version – mp3 format (~51MB)
RAIBC Spoken word recordings
- Exam Manuals: The RAIBC maintains an Audio Library which contains the Foundation, Intermediate and Full/Advanced manuals. Please note that these are not available to download but are available on audio disk.
- Radio Manuals: Instruction manuals for various radios are available to download from the members area on the RAIBC website and can also be sent out on audio disk.
- Magazines: Audio versions of RadCom, Radio User and Practical Wireless are also available to download or sent out monthly on audio disk to the visually impaired
RNIB Braille materials
- The RNIB has a library that includes Braille-based printed copies of some amateur radio materials, although they may not be the latest issues
- Search the RNIB Library