RSSSilent Keys

Ian Brown, G3TVU, 24th September 2019

| November 11, 2019

Ian Brown, G3TVU, known to his friends and colleagues as “Brownie”, passed away on Tuesday 24 September 2019 at the age of 78. Ian was a professional electronic engineer; he began his career at STC Microwave Systems, later moving to Rolls Royce Aero Space where he spent the remainder of his working life before retiring […]

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Prof Les Barclay OBE, G3HTF, 31 July 2019

| August 8, 2019

Professor Les W Barclay G3HTF died on 31 July 2019 at the age of 85. He had a very long and distinguished career in radio science and made significant contributions to the RSGB especially in its studies on radio wave propagation. In 1993, Professor Barclay received the ITU Silver Medal for his chairmanship of the […]

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Mr J Reilly, GM3HOM, 26 January 2019

| June 17, 2019

The 26th of January 2019 saw the sad passing of Joseph (Joe) Reilly, GM3HOM. He was a continuous member of the Radio Society of Great Britain from November 1948 until his death. His 70th anniversary of Membership was marked in the November 2018 edition of RadCom. Following his service in the RAF, Joe was hired […]

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André Saunders, GM3VLB, 23rd May 2019

| June 3, 2019
André Saunders, GM3VLB, 23rd May 2019

André Saunders, GM3VLB, born of Scottish and French parents, became a silent key at his home in Kelso on the 23rd of May 2019. He would have been 81 on the 28th of May. A physics teacher by profession, he was an active DXer in Kenya from 1967 as 5Z4KL, gaining the ARRL Honor Roll […]

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Michael Walters, G3JVL, 17th May 2019

| May 20, 2019

Michael Walters, G3JVL, passed away on the 17th of May 2019 at the age of 81. He will be well known for providing help and encouragement to many people in their early days on 10GHz in the 70s and 80s, and being a member of the RSGB Microwave Committee, contributing to the Microwave Manual. From […]

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George May, G4RZF, July 2018

| April 29, 2019

George May, G4RZF, went SK in July 2018. During his time, he was not only a Voluntary Interceptor (VI) but worked for the Air Ministry/MoD and had a rush job figuring out how to and actually fitting the VHF transceivers into the Lancasters of 617 Squadron prior to the Dambusters raid. He was 97 years […]

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