RSSGB2RS Propagation News

Propagation News – 25 August 2019

| August 23, 2019

The last seven days have seen quiet geomagnetic conditions but, equally, zero sunspots and a solar flux index of around 67. Nevertheless, the Lighthouses on the Air event last weekend saw UK stations finding people to talk to, even if real DX was a little thin on the ground. Saturday, the 17th, saw numerous short-skip […]

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Propagation News – 18 August 2019

| August 16, 2019

We had more of the same last week with zero sunspots, but no geomagnetic disturbances. The good news is that there appear to be no Earth-facing coronal holes coming around the Sun, although there are significant holes around the solar polar regions. The tool at has been showing an interesting phenomenon over the past […]

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Propagation News – 11 August 2019

| August 9, 2019

Matter from a solar coronal hole hit the Earth last week as predicted. However, we got the date wrong, as it actually impacted us on Monday and not Sunday, as it was moving slightly slower than we thought. This sent the Kp index up to five as the Earth’s geomagnetic field was disturbed and where […]

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Propagation News – 4 August 2019

| August 2, 2019

A solar coronal hole pushed the Kp index to three last week and the solar flux index was static at 66. The plasma from the hole impacted the Earth on Wednesday, but it didn’t have the dire results that many had predicted. In fact, there was a pre-auroral enhancement that saw the maximum usable frequency […]

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Propagation News – 28 July 2019

| July 26, 2019

Last week HF was once again dominated by sporadic E openings. On Wednesday FT8 contacts were being made across Europe on 28MHz, from Finland in the north to Spain in the south. It was a similar story on Thursday with S9 signals from the Balearic Islands to Norway. As we head towards August it is […]

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Propagation News – 21 July 2019

| July 19, 2019

There is very little to say about HF propagation last week. Conditions were relatively settled, thanks to a respite from solar coronal hole activity, but the HF summer doldrums are still taking their toll. The summer ionosphere is composed mainly of diatomic gases rather than monatomic, and these are harder to ionise. This means maximum […]

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