Contest News – 13 August 2023

| August 11, 2023

Today, the 13 August, the Worked All Europe DX CW Contest ends its 24-hour run at 2359UTC. Using CW on the 80 to 10m bands, where contests are permitted, the exchange is signal report and serial number. On Tuesday 15 August, the 1.3GHz UK Activity Contest runs from 1900 to 2130UTC. Using all modes on […]

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Propagation News – 13 August 2023

| August 11, 2023

Sunspot activity continues as we head towards solar maximum. Or have we already gone past that point? Identifying solar maximum can only really be done in retrospect. That is, after we have already had it! Solar maximum is now forecast for early to mid-2025 so we still have some way to go. Last week the […]

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GB2RS News Script for 13 August 2023

| August 11, 2023

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 13 August 2023 (27-page/523KB Microsoft Word document) Problems downloading the GB2RS news script? Try this alternative link

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Second Tonight @ 8 Ofcom event

| August 4, 2023

A reminder that the second of the RSGB’s special Tonight @ 8 events on the Ofcom Consultation will take place on Monday, 7 August 2023. This time, the focus will be on Foundation and Intermediate topics, including call sign and exam changes, as well as the Consultation clauses that might lead to new opportunities for […]

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RSGB team goes to YOTA Hungary

| August 4, 2023

The 2023 Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) summer camp in Hungary begins this weekend, and lasts for a week. The four young people representing the RSGB are Alexander Du Rose, 2E0FMZ who is Team Leader; Henry-James Robinson, M7HJR; Hannah Lee, M7YYQ; and Jake Saul, M7JNS. They will be sharing news each day of the activities […]

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Amateur radio and coding

| August 4, 2023

As part of the RSGB’s commitment to encourage youngsters into amateur radio and to support lifelong learning, the Society is providing resources and creating coding activities for people to get involved in throughout the month of September 2023. From the BBC Micro:bit to Node-RED and GNU Radio, there are some great activities you could try yourself with your club, or […]

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