New RSGB NRC promotional video

| August 11, 2023

Have you been to the RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC)? Would you like to encourage your family and friends to visit and find out more about amateur radio? We’ve just released a promotional video that gives a whistle-stop tour of all the fantastic things at the NRC in just one minute. Find it on the […]

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International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend

| August 11, 2023

International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend (ILLW) is coming up soon. The event is usually held on the third weekend of August, which this year is the 19th and 20th. It is one of the most popular amateur radio events in the calendar and in past years there have been over 500 entries from more than […]

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Also in this weeks GB2RS…

| August 11, 2023

A reminder now that the popular British Inland Waterways on the Air (BIWOTA) event will take place between 26 and 28 August 2023. The event is open to amateurs who use canals, towpaths, rivers, lakes or reservoirs for work or recreation. Registration for the event is still open. To sign up, visit the BIWOTA pages […]

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Rallies and Events News – 13 August 2023

| August 11, 2023

The Flight Refuelling Amateur Radio Society Hamfest is being held today, Sunday 13 August from 9am to 4pm. The venue is Cobham Sports and Social Club Ground, Merley, near Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 3DA. Admission is £5 and this includes parking. Talk-in will be on 145.550MHz. On-site catering, bar facilities and an RSGB Bookstall will be […]

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Special Events News – 13 August 2023

| August 11, 2023

Special event station PA14JAMBO will be active until Thursday the 17 August from Spaarnwoude for the 14th Haarlem Jamborette, a large international scout camp that takes place in the Netherlands every four years. Look for activity on SSB, CW, and digital modes. QSL via PA9LUC and eQSL. Special event station CX90RCU will be operating until […]

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DX News – 13 August 2023

| August 11, 2023

Josiah, KI5UBT and John, N5VOF will be active as VP5/KI5UBT and VP5/N5VOF from Providenciales, NA-002, on the Turks and Caicos Islands, until tomorrow, the 14 August. They are operating SSB and FT8 on the 40 to 2m bands. QSL direct to home calls. Bo, OZ1DJJ  will be active again, from Greenland, as OX3LX from Tasiilaq […]

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