RSGB Strategy – RadCom editorials
Putting the RSGB’s Strategy into practice.
As the Strategy starts to influence our day-to-day activities we’ll record some of the major changes on these web pages.
We start with the recent RadCom editorials which set out what is happening and what to look out for.
Strategy and the Spectrum
The recent RSGB Strategic review highlighted a number of priorities including Spectrum…Strategy in action
This time of year is always particularly busy for us at the…So what does being an RSGB Board member really mean?
We asked current Board Directors to give us their thoughts: “A chance…YOTA 2017 and Strategy 2022
As I write this I am just back from YOTA 2017; a…Diversity in amateur radio
What was your earliest encounter with amateur radio? There are probably almost…International Amateur Radio Union
We all know about the importance of the radio spectrum in modern…A sense of scale and proportion
The new RSGB Strategy is reaching down to a lower level of…Why on earth does the RSGB need a Strategy?
Why don’t you just ‘get on with it’? This is a question…