RadCom Starting out in Morse extra

Getting started in Morse June 2013

FIGURE 3: Q signals for amateur radio operators.
Q-Sig     Message
QRA     What is the name of your station? The name of my station is ___.
QRG     Will you tell me my exact frequency? Your exact frequency is ___ kHz.
QRH     Does my frequency vary? Your frequency varies.
QRI     How is the tone of my transmission? The tone of your transmission is ___ (1-Good, 2-Variable, 3-Bad.)
QRK     What is the intelligibility of my signals? The intelligibility of your signals is ___ (1-Bad, 2-Poor, 3-Fair, 4-Good, 5-Excellent.)
QRL     Are you busy? I am busy, please do not interfere
QRM     Is my transmission being interfered with? Your transmission is being interfered with ___ (1-Nil, 2- Slightly, 3-Moderately, 4-Severly, 5-Extremely.)
QRN     Are you troubled by static? I am troubled by static ___ (1-5 as under QRM.)
QRO     Shall I increase power? Increase power.
QRP     Shall I decrease power? Decrease power.
QRQ     Shall I send faster? Send faster (___ WPM.)
QRS     Shall I send more slowly? Send more slowly (___ WPM.)
QRT     Shall I stop sending? Stop sending.
QRU     Have you anything for me? I have nothing for you.
QRV     Are you ready? I am ready.
QRX     When will you call me again? I will call you again at ___ hours.
QRZ     Who is calling me? You are being called by ___.
QSA     What is the strength of my signals? The strength of your signals is ___ (1-Scarcely perceptible, 2-Weak, 3-Fairly Good, 4-Good, 5-Very Good.)
QSB     Are my signals fading? Your signals are fading.
QSD     Is my keying defective? Your keying is defective.
QSK     Can you hear me between you signals and if so can I break in on your transmission? I can hear you between my signals, break in on my transmission.
QSL     Can you acknowledge receipt? I am acknowledging receipt.
QSO     Can you communicate with ___ direct or by relay? I can communicate with ___ direct (or by relay through ___.)
QSP     Will you relay to ___? I will relay to ___.
QSV     Shall I send a series of Vs on this frequency? Send a series of Vs on this frequency.
QSY     Shall I change to another frequency? Change to another frequency.
QTC     How many messages have you to send? I have ___ messages for you.
QTH     What is your location? My location is ___.
QUA     Have you news of ___? I have news of ___.
Note: The Q signals take the form of a question when followed by a question mark.

FIGURE 4: Useful abbreviations.
ABT    About
ADR    Address
AGN    Again
AM    Amplitude Modulation
ANT    Antenna
BCI    Broadcast Interference
BCL    Broadcast Listener
BCNU    Be seeing you
BK    Break, Break in
BN    All between; Been
BT    Separation (break) between addr & text; between txt & signature
BTR    Better
BUG    Semi-Automatic key
B4    Before
C    Yes, Correct
CFM    Confirm; I confirm
CK    Ckeck
CKT    Circuit
CL    I am closing my station; Call
CLBK    Callbook
CLD    Called
CLG    Calling
CNT    Can’t
CONDX    Conditions
CQ    Calling any station
CU    See You
CUL    See You later
CUM    Come
CW    Continuous wave
DE    From, This Is
DIFF    Difference
DN    Down
DR    Dear
DX    Distance
EL    Element
ES    And
ES    And FB – Fine Business, excellent
FER    For
FM    Frequency Modulation: From
GA    Go ahead; Good Afternoon
GB    Good bye, God Bless
GD    Good
GE     Good Evening
GESS    Guess
GG    Going
GM    Good morning
GN    Good night
GND    Ground
GUD    Good
HH    Error in sending
HI    The telegraph laugh; High
HPE    Hope
HQ    Headquarters
HR    Here; Hear
HV    Have
HW    How, How Copy?
IMI    Repeat, Say Again
INFO    Info
LID    A poor operator
LTR    Later; letter
MA    Millamperes
MSG    Message; Prefix to radiogram
N    No, Negative, Incorrect, No More
NCS    Net Control Station
ND    Nothing Doing NIL – Nothing; I have nothing for you
NM    No more
NR    Number
NW    Now; I resume transmission
OB    Old boy
OC    Old chap
OM    Old man
OP    Operator
OPR    Operator
OT    Old timer; Old top
PSE    Please
PWR    Power
R    Received as transmitted; Are; Decimal Point
RC    Ragchew
RCD    Received
RCVR    Receiver
RE    Concerning; Regarding
REF    Refer to; Referring to; Reference
RFI    Radio frequency interference
RIG    Station equipment
RPT    Repeat, Report
RTTY    Radio teletype
RST    Readability, strength, tone
RX    Receive, Receiver
SASE    Self-addressed, stamped envelope
SED    Said
SEZ    Says
SIG    Signature; Signal
SINE    Operator’s personal initials or nickname
SKED    Schedule
SRI    Sorry
SS    Sweepstakes
SSB    Single Side Band
STN    Station
SUM    Some
SVC    Service; Prefix to service message
TFC    Traffic
TMW    Tomorrow
TKS    Thanks
TNX    Thanks
TR    Transmit
T/R    Transmit/Receive
TRIX    Tricks
TT    That
TTS    That is
TU    Thank you
TVI    Television interference
TX    Transmitter; Transmit
TXT    Text
U    You
UR    Your; You’re
URS    Yours
VFB    Very fine business
VFO    Variable Frequency Oscillator
VY    Very
W    Watts
WID    With
WKD    Worked
WKG    Working
WL    Well; Will
WPM    Words Per Minute
WRD    Word
WUD    Would
WX    Weather
XCVR    Transceiver
XMTR    Transmitter
XTAL    Crystal
XYL    Wife
YL    Young lady
YR    Year
73    Best Regards
88    Love and kisses
161    73+88=161

FIGURE 5: RST system.
1    Unreadable
2    Barely readable, occasional words distinguishable
3    Readable with considerable difficulty
4    Readable with practically no difficulty
5    Perfectly readable

1    Faint signals, barely perceptible
2    Very weak signals
3    Weak signals
4    Fair signals
5    Fairly good signals
6    Good signals
7    Moderately strong signals
8    Strong signals
9    Extremely strong signals

1    Sixty cycle AC or less, very rough and broad
2    Very rough AC, very harsh and broad
3    Rough AC tone, rectified but not filtered
4    Rough note, some trace of filtering
5    Filtered rectified AC but strongly ripple-modulated
6    Filtered tone, definite trace of ripple modulation
7    Near pure tone, trace of ripple modulation
8    Near perfect tone, slight trace of modulation
9    Perfect tone, no trace of ripple or modulation of any kind
Infrequently used is the addition of a letter to the end of the 3 numbers. These are: X = the signal is rock steady like a crystal controlled signal; C = the signal is chirpy as the frequency varies slightly with keying; and K = the signal has key clicks.
X is from the early days of radio when such steady signals were rare. Today most all signals could be given an X but it is hardly ever used. It is helpful to report a chirpy or clicky signal by using the C or K, e.g. 579C or 579K.